October 24, 2020

10 Tips to Awaken your Creativity.


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Don’t you love it when it seems like, out of nowhere, you have an inspired idea or sudden urge to create something magical?

Creativity lives in all of us. It is an innate gift of humans, and though we may feel blocked at times, we all possess it. Creativity is more than just artistic ability—it feeds the soul. Being a creative person can help you become a better employee, entrepreneur, problem solver, and to feel more fulfilled at whatever you choose to do. 

Even if you don’t think of yourself as a creative person, creativity can be expressed in many different ways. Creativity can come through in how we choose to dress, organize our homes, plan out our day, or even plan our meals. It can show up in how we choose to go through our everyday lives. 

How to Spark your Creativity

Like lots of people, you may think that you’re either creative or you’re not. This is simply not true. If you long to be more creative, here are some tips to help guide you on your journey to awakening your creativity:

    1. Believe that you are creative.
      We all have the spark of creativity inside us; it’s just a matter of believing that we have it and allowing it to come through. Our thoughts manifest our reality, so thinking of yourself as a creative person and thinking positively about your gifts will help your creative side shine through. 

    1. Think creatively when a situation arises.
      Don’t be afraid to try something different. Doing what we have always done will continue to get us what we have always gotten.  Allowing a fresh perspective can lead us to a creative breakthrough.
    1. Try something new!
      Have a new idea? Why not put it into action? Don’t worry about what other people will think. Even if it doesn’t work,  you’ll learn something and give your creativity a chance to flourish.

    1. Don’t overthink things—just go for it!
      Rather than thinking of all the reasons not to do something, think positively and take a chance. Let your creative impulses flow. If you have always wanted to try writing or painting—do it! Sign up for that cooking class or those dance lessons. Give it a shot! Once you start the creative flow, you create a path for more creativity.
    1. Be inspired.
      Pay a visit to a museum, take in a play, try going somewhere you’ve never been, or seeing something you’ve never seen.
Inspiration sparks creativity.
    1. Make time for your creative outlets.
      Be sure to schedule some time for your creative pursuits—even if it’s just a few minutes each day! By giving yourself time to practice your creativity, you are honouring your creative self and encouraging this side of you to grow.
    2. Have fun.
      Make your creative endeavor a joy, not a chore. Finding joy in our creative moments allows the flow of creative energies.

    1. Share creative moments.
      Sign up for a paint night with a friend, or cook dinner from scratch with your significant other.  This is a fun way to strengthen creativity. You will allow fun and creativity to come together and build relationships at the same time.
    1. Shake things up to get some new ideas and perspectives.

      If you write, try playing a musical instrument. If you’re a dancer, try painting—you get the idea.
 You may find a new creative outlet that you love.
    1. Take a break.
      Even the most creative people need to take time to recharge. Go for a walk in nature, and focus on all of the beauty you encounter. Giving yourself time to refresh your energy will help you feel reinspired and allow those creative juices to flow again. 

Remember to be patient with yourself while cultivating your creativity. Give yourself grace. Make a habit of enjoying the practice of nurturing your creative moments, whatever they look like.

Do something small every day, and you may discover that you’re one of the most creative people you know.

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Margaret Aguirre  |  Contribution: 235

author: Margaret Aguirre

Image: Pietro Tenuta

Editor: Farah Hany

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