October 11, 2020

How I Hold Space for my Grieving Inner Child.

Hi again, little one.

I see you are crying again.

Can I hold you?

I know you miss her. I miss her too.

She was special, and I know it’s confusing that she’s gone.

That heart connection she talked about, though, was real.

You’re not alone.

Look around.

Do you see all these beautiful people?

They love you, and so do I.

We’ve got you.

We’ve all got you.

Can I see your hand?

We are going to put it right there on your heart.

Now, close your eyes. We are going on an adventure.

Don’t worry. We’ve packed your bags, and you won’t be returning to this place. The car is parked outside.

She is waiting for you. And so am I.

You’ve been asking where home is, and she is waiting to take us there. Let’s go.


Yes, your home with her is just as beautiful as you imagined. I see that we all love flowers.

You’re right—she is special.

You can open your eyes.

How did you feel seeing her again?

She missed you too.

Remember that she is never gone. She is right here in your heart.

Close your eyes and your mom will come back and tuck you in.

It’s okay to cry. I’ve got you. We miss her a lot, but she is always in that beautiful heart of yours and mine. We are lucky that she left a piece of herself within us to cherish for the rest of our lives.

How about I hold you until you fall asleep?


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Elephant journal  |  Contribution: 1,375,490

author: Rebecca Renae

Image: Caroline Hernandez/Unsplash

Editor: Lisa Erickson