November 15, 2020

Listen Here, Lady—You’re Damn Beautiful.

Hey there, lovely.

Stop your sexy self for a minute.

Have you looked in the mirror and admired your entire luminous existence today?

Have you danced around your living room, done that good ol’ booty shakin’ we all do?

Have you done anything that makes you feel beautiful?

Have you said beautiful things about yourself?

Do you think you’re beautiful right now? Oily-haired messy bun, makeup-free face, sweatpants with the hole in them, unshaven legs, a happy food baby, nail polish peeling off, and all that other stuff the world tells us isn’t beautiful at all?

Have you taken a single minute to just like who you are at this very moment?

If you’re not feeling beautiful or liking yourself today, here’s my PSA:

There are over 100 words for “beautiful,” and you’re the definition of every single one of them. You’re stunning, the light of a billion glimmering stars, a treasured gift to this world, a dazzling smile spotted from space. This universe is not complete without your remarkable existence in it.

I see you.

If you’re thinking no one could ever love or appreciate you in your rawness, or you’ll never be allowed complete freedom to be imperfect, or you’ll have to listen to society define your beauty for eternity—you are not alone. I’ve felt that too. And I will love and appreciate you if others don’t.

“The world is sick.” Their vision is blurred when it comes to appearance. They haven’t learned to love you as you are, but you can still teach yourself to do that.

If you’re still not certain of your undefinable allure, my dear flower, let Allen Stone make sweet love to your soul with this bluesy self-love provoking tune.

If I can’t make you believe you’re beautiful, his words surely will.

Take a moment to let yourself feel sexy and dance to this one. You deserve to feel sexy and beautiful for every single second of this song and absolutely every minute after it has ended.

Love you.

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Kelly Branyik  |  Contribution: 25,885

author: Kelly Branyik

Image: Andrea Piacquadio/Pexels

Editor: Farah Hany

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