November 3, 2020

Stevie Nicks’ New Song makes my Heart Sing.

I love this woman so damn much.

In her sultry, mesmerizing, I-just-wake-up-this-cool voice, she sings,

“Please God, show ’em the way
Please God, on this day
Spirits all given the strength
Peace can come if you really want it.”

An article I recently read explains the depth of the music video: “It features a montage of historical images capturing poignant moments during the civil rights movement. Martin Luther King Jr., John F. Kennedy, and the broader Kennedy family are all shown early in the piece.”

I could go on forever about how much her words and music mean to me, but you should witness the magic for yourself.


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Kate Force  |  Contribution: 651,495

author: Kate Force

Image: Youtube

See relevant Elephant Video