December 27, 2020

When Love Walks Away.


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Dearest you,

It’s been a while since you ended things.

There was a text, you picked up your stuff, shut the door, dropped the keys through the door, and drove off.

We’ve had no contact since.

Thank you for absolutely wrecking me—forcing me back to factory settings.

Thank you for leaving me at my most vulnerable and allowing me the privilege of rebuilding.

Thank you for waking me up to the realization that a hard reboot was required.

Thank you for showing me that my intuitions are still razor-sharp.

Thank you for showing me the value of not moaning about it and just going out there and getting it done.

Thank you for making me redesign my life.

Thank you for shocking me back into knowing my worth—driving me to dig deep and make my mark.

Thank you for making me go after this thing called life and reminding me to have no regrets.

Thank you for making me become who I was meant to be.

Thank you for making me live my life.

Real-talk here, babe: I’m done beating myself up emotionally and physically.

The reality is, if you wanted to be here, you would be. But you are gone; I will move on.

After digging deep, I’ve done more than enough and don’t owe anything else.

Or, maybe, I owe myself more respect. I can’t let you take over my head and life any longer.

I believe in my core that I did all I could. And you walked away

I say it’s enough now.

Good luck and peace be with you. I hope you manage to build the kind of life I always wanted with you—even though it’s without me.

It’s now my turn to help someone else.

~ Me

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Dominic Esposito  |  Contribution: 835

author: Dominic Esposito

Image: lauraklinke_art/instagram

Editor: Kate Force