January 7, 2021

How to Heal from our Trauma-Riddled Victim Mentality.


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Change your story, change your life: turning the victim into a master.

It was a Tuesday evening at the end of December. 

Like many of my evenings, I was lying under a blanket on my couch and texting about my anxiety to a friend.

YouTube notified me of a video I may be interested in. It was titled “How changing your story can change your life.”

I thought of HeatherAsh Amara touching on the topic in Warrior Goddess Training. She spoke of changing the narrative of her story to change how she feels about her life.

I’ve often thought about how to reconnect with the bright side since shadow work has risen a dark cloud from within me and skewed how I perceive nearly every thought I have.

Looking back on my traumas and the effects they’ve had on me—as I learn where my panic attacks are stemming from and resolve buried emotions—has left me in a constant state of stress and anxiety.

Just a week before, I received a diagnosis that, at the very least, felt like the climax of an incredibly tough two months, after already enduring a continuous stream of stressors and immediate life changes—in the midst of a global pandemic.

A persistent thought repeated in my mind: I had to find a way to do what I’ve only heard of before; I had to make it miraculously vanish.

But how? How does someone with an extensive history of unhealed traumas and a handful of heartbreaks sitting on her chest—dancing between panic attacks and depression—heal themselves with the power of good vibes and healthy action?

Changes obviously needed to be made but knowing that hasn’t been enough to get me moving in the right direction.

I opened the video, closed my eyes, and listened. I listened about the science behind the theory, about the experiments that Dr. Bruce Lipton conducted and the evidence he found.

I listened to him speak of our cells and how they react to love and negativity—how they die when they are left alone with stress hormones and flourish in dopamine and serotonin.

I listened to what was not only the belief I had hoped to reach but how it actually proves to be true. That you can change your life by changing your story.

I got off the couch, unrolled my dusty yoga mat, and took a deep and calming breath in before moving through the stagnant negative energy that had been holding me hostage.

I whispered to my body: We are healing, now, love.

I’d like to invite you to take a moment and consider the message that the video below provides.

Let us move forth, carrying hope in our hearts, and creating health in our bodies.

Let us begin putting more of our energy into healing what is hurting us, turning the victim into a master.



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Tiffany Timm  |  Contribution: 52,725

author: Tiffany Timm

Image: julika.illustration/Instagram

Editor: Kate Force