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January 24, 2021

Have you ever…

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.

Have you ever felt that what you are doing daily isn’t where you are supposed to be? Do you feel that sense of anxiety that you want to break free but you are unsure of which direction you should be going in?

Have you ever felt even though you are where you wanted to be at one point, you are not that same person that wanted to be there anymore?

Do you feel a calling to do something else? If you have answered yes to any or all of these questions, you are absolutely NOT ALONE!!

Now ask yourself, have you ever thought your situation would be better if you chose a different path, different job, different place to live, different anything?

Again you are NOT ALONE!!

So many people struggle with the what if’s in life but forget to see what is right in front of them. What is right in front of you is choice. It is your choice to continue on the path you are on or you can decide to create your own fork in the road and create your own direction.

Is it time for you to take the Journey, the Journey to your greatest self?

This is an excerpt taken from my new book Journey to You, now on Amazon

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