January 23, 2021

Honoring the Legacy of Larry King.

The man. The myth. The legend.

Although I didn’t follow his career as much as others probably have, I think we can all agree he was a household name for a reason.

The NY Times says:

“Larry King, who shot the breeze with presidents and psychics, movie stars and malefactors—anyone with a story to tell or a pitch to make—in a half-century on radio and television, including 25 years as the host of CNN’s globally popular “Larry King Live,” died on Saturday in Los Angeles. He was 87.”

I also love the way NY Times described his interviewing style:

To former President Nixon: “When you drive by the Watergate, do you feel weird?”

To former President Ronald Reagan: “Is it, for you, frustrating to not remember something?”

To Donald J. Trump, when he was still best known as a real estate mogul: “Does it have to be buildings?”

He bragged that he almost never prepared for an interview. If his guest was an author promoting a book, he did not read it but asked simply, “What’s it about?” or “Why did you write this?”


Here is a lovely tribute to the talk show host from CNN:


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