January 5, 2021

Our Happiness comes from Knowing. {Poetry}

Our happiness comes from knowing
that our happiness isn’t perfect
maybe we did something good,
maybe we made a difference,
even if it was small,
maybe we tried our best,
even if we failed,
maybe we stayed in the ring,
even after a setback,
perhaps we gave ourselves some comfort, some grace,
some self-care, some space,
perhaps we earned our accolades,
because what we did was difficult,
maybe we lead the way sometimes,
and we listened,
to those who disagreed with us,
maybe we said goodbye to some,
to concentrate on healing and hope,
maybe we consciously let go of the past,
our bad, our wonderful, our successes, our mistakes,
the times we went high,
the times we got low,
perhaps we let all of them go…

Because we shifted a few priorities,
and managed to learn a few lessons,
and worked on being centered and present,
neither making plans,
nor dwelling on what could have been,
perhaps we did our best work,
and maybe we had a great time,
or maybe, instead, we cried ourselves to sleep,
maybe we were just as shallow,
as we were deep (raises hand).

Our happiness comes from knowing
that our happiness will never be perfect,
after forging a new existence,
through blood, sweat, and tears,
and making some amends,
and conquering some fears,
quitting a few bad habits,
and forgiving a disappointing relapse,
perhaps, just perhaps,
we came to finally know that recovery isn’t perfect either,
and love isn’t perfect,
workouts aren’t perfect,
and bodies aren’t perfect,
dogs are damn near perfect…
but no, no, no, they are not,
they make mistakes too,
perhaps our happiness comes from knowing,
the only way past anything is through,
and we can keep on plugging, and chugging,
discarding lies and speaking truth,
all the while knowing
we are always worthy,
always worthy,
despite our choices,
despite our age,
despite what we give out,
or what we hold back,
despite our misconceptions,
of what we think we lack,
or what we look like,
despite how we’ve changed,
or how we stayed the same,
despite what is so different now,
and all that has remained,
our happiness comes from knowing,

we can begin,
begin we can,
and then we can
begin again.

Here’s to a happy, healthy new year!



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Kimberly Valzania  |  Contribution: 153,590

author: Kimberly Valzania

Image: Gary Edmonstone/Unsplash

Editor: Sukriti Chhopra