January 8, 2021

Mindfulness is about Caring.

Where do we go from here?

My thoughts, this morning:

“In the Buddhist tradition, we often say, the upsetting things in life—they’re not bad. Hopefully, if we’re awake, we can use them to wake up further. And by waking up we’re about caring.”

“Mindfulness is not about being calm. Mindfulness is about caring.”

Don’t try to escape this feeling. Never forget it. ⁠

Like life itself, democracy is fragile. Just as death gives us the inspiration in “carpe diem,” this moment gives us perspective. A year from now Twitterati will be obsessing about a President Biden “gaffe,” a tan suit moment. ⁠

Remember this feeling.⁠

Watch the replay of our community forum addressing this moment, below: 


Follow me on Twitter: you’ll enjoy today’s tweets: @elephantjournal 

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