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March 7, 2021

Navigating self care through COVID

I struggled to finish out my blogging the later half of the 2020. Why, you ask?
Well because I had to take care of my own health. I focus on digging deeper into my self care. I’m glad I did because we are still social distancing, still working from home. I’m pretty flexible with changed but to turn the page on a new chapter and still feel like you are reliving grounds hog day. I had to find some creative ways to do MORE self care.

If you saw my mindfulness page you know I love me some mediation. One day I came across a coaching session called “Self Care Essentials”.

​The essentials covered:

  1. Self compassion
  2. Boundaries for self preservation
  3. Honor your need for rest
  4. When Hustle isn’t healthy
  5. Take care of times of change ​

I don’t want to give away the whole coaching series but some key gems that I thought was worthy to mention was self compassion, boundaries for self preservation and of course honor your need for rest.
Self compassion

  1. We should add self compassion to our daily lives
  2. Acceptance- Taking the approach “it is what it is” and simply acknowledge we can’t change things
  3. Emotional acceptance – reserve your energy for what you can control

Boundaries for self preservation

  1. Self preservation doesn’t mean you are selfish
  2. Communicate with others where your boundaries lie
  3. Saying no helps save your energy
  4. Saying no to one thing is allowing you to say yes to other things

Honor the need for rest

  1. If you physical and emotional health is low it means you need rest
  2. No rest means your creativity is not at your highest potential
  3. Resting our mind allows for it to be refuel the next day
  4. Resting is not lazy, it is a healthy need

How do I get more rest? Glad you ask here……

  1. Go to bed and wake up at the same time
  2. Stay away from screens; the brain needs the message to rest
  3. Understand what will restore your soul

Check out my self care routine

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