April 25, 2021

Things Introverts & Extroverts Say.


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These two videos literally made me laugh out loud.

I’m an introvert and I totally relate to the introverted video.

Thriving in solitude, canceling plans (and regretting having made them in the first place!), and remembering how I’d dread having the teacher say we were going to go around the room and introduce ourselves in school. (I can still feel the tightness in my chest!)

The only part that didn’t totally resonate…I’m a hugger! (At least with people I know and love.)

Because I’m an introvert, I couldn’t personally relate to the extroverted video, but I saw so much of my sister in it—which made me giggle out loud.

She makes friends with everyone…instantly. I’ve always been in awe of this quality in her—in awe and confused (how could anyone do this…or want to?!) and also maybe a little envious (she’s always had an ease with people that I haven’t).

She always seems to have strangers totally falling in love with her, she loves being out and about, and she has always been the one to get a party started (even when there were no signs that a party could start).

These videos are lighthearted and put such a smile on my face.

I hope they make you smile too.

Can you relate?

Things Introverts Say:

Things Extroverts Say:

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Lisa Erickson  |  Contribution: 253,790

author: Lisa Erickson

Image: josiesillustrations/instagram