April 3, 2021

Yung Pueblo Defines a Mature Relationship in 5 Brilliant Quotes.


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Let’s all agree that we all want to be in a mature relationship.

When we speak of mature relationships, we hint at two people who show emotional and mental maturity in the way they love and show up for each other.

Of course, no one is born with the required level of maturity that is needed to make a relationship work. If this is the case, then everyone would be in a happy relationship by the age of seven.

Nope. We need to make mistakes and learn from them; we need to fall and break before we get up again; we need to lose ourselves in the process of loving someone else to know the importance of doing our inner work; we need to hurt, grieve people, let them go, miss them, and let them go again before we learn what true love means; we need to meet a few people who might break us before we meet someone who could make us.

We need to go through a lot before we learn what it takes to be in a mature relationship.

Lately, Yung Pueblo has been writing about this.

Pueblo is a writer and speaker, and I follow him on Instagram. His posts offer us some insights into relationships, heartbreak, healing, and love. Lately, he posted a few quotes that I believe are worth sharing.

If you’re wondering what a mature relationship looks like, here are some directions from Pueblo:


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author: Elyane Youssef

Image: yung_pueblo/Instagram