June 28, 2021

A Unique & Beautiful Reminder to Just be who you Are.

When one thinks of adventure and the meaning of adventure, our mind will go searching for what we ourselves have experienced in the past and how that can apply to us.

It could mean exciting places never explored, or maybe it means doing exciting “let’s get the heart going,” type of activities, which will make you feel as if you are walking on the edge—get the adrenaline going and the feeling of “let’s do that again!”

I’m on a little adventure myself, knowing exactly where I am, but not sure where it may lead or what I will find. And as my super wise alter-ego Winnie The Pooh will say: “I’m not lost, for I know where I am. But, however, where I am may be lost.”

I’m staying in a beautiful Holiday Let, a hidden gem at a top secret location, overlooking an estuary. It was nearly empty of water and the sun was quickly setting. I suddenly had the urge to go for an evening stroll to enjoy the beautiful sunset.

Being inspired to do something often leads me to finding hidden gems, and this was no different. In this particular moment I was inspired to explore without overthinking, simply following my own excitement to see what I could find and where it will lead.

This is what I found:

I decided to remove my shoes before entering the estuary as I enjoy the feeling and texture of the soft sand and to squeeze and curl my toes as my feet sink into the sand, feeling the crunch.

I appreciate the small things, and having such beauty surround me in this moment is a miracle within itself; looking down, I see what looks like hundreds and thousands of little seashells, such as mussels and cockles, and in the distance what looks like a huge rock-type structure.

As I kept walking further away from the shore, keeping my eye on what this object could be, I squint as the sun is directly in my line of sight making it hard to see. I can see another person taking pictures.

To my surprise, it wasn’t a “big rock” at all but a shipwreck. It was perfectly parked and happy as if she has lived here for decades, making the estuary her home and the sand around her, her comfort and support.

She’s unique and beautiful with colours that are simply stunning, as the stormy weather and elements have stripped back the paint of her long-ago perfect image of what a ship should be like or look like. So, in essence, she’s a perfect example of “be a little rough around the edges.”

She says: “Just be who you are and admirers will find you, take pictures of you, and see your natural beauty beneath all the layers that were once applied.” She’s a perfect example of don’t go searching, as the right people will show up when you simply follow your intuition—and finding you will be liken to a treasure to them, and they will appreciate you for who you are.

We don’t need all the labels we continuously apply to what we should be or what we should look like.

Life is not perfect, and by being your natural self, those who are meant to be in your life will show up—so continue walking through, simply going where you are inspired to walk, leaving footprints in the sand, having an adventure without even realising, you are making memories.



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Chrysilla Lewies  |  Contribution: 9,720

author: Chrysilla Lewies

Image: Mariano Nocetti/Unsplash

Editor: Lisa Erickson