June 21, 2021

Dave Chappelle performing Radiohead’s “Creep” with the Foo Fighters just blew my Mind.

The Foo Fighters are known to bring special guests on stage—but having Dave Chappelle performing with them at Madison Square Garden is taking things to the next level.

Dave Grohl and his band had the honor to play the first post-pandemic show at the Madison Square Garden.

After playing at “Saturday Night Live,” when Biden won the election, they are once again making history by reopening one of the most famous venues in the world.

As we can clearly see in the video, Dave Chappelle is not a professional singer making it even more special. I admire his bravery to sing a song in front of thousands of people the way he did.

In case you ever wondered if your singing is good enough to perform in public, please take Chappelle’s performance as an inspiration to share your voice with the world.

Now, as the world is slowly opening again, let’s rediscover the joy of live music—no matter if on point like Mr. Grohl or slightly off-key like Mr. Chappelle.

Music is about feelings, connection, and being real. So thank you, Dave Grohl, thank you, Dave Chappelle, and thank you, Foo Fighters. This totally made my day.




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Robert Busch  |  Contribution: 160,835

author: Robert Busch

Image: Rock Feed/YouTube Screenshot