June 20, 2021

How to Regain Trust after your Partner Cheated on You.

Repairing a relationship after infidelity is tough.

Our self-confidence is broken, our self-worth is low, and we wonder how we can ever begin to trust our partner again.

The process is challenging, but if we adopt the right behaviors, we can rebuild the trust that has been shattered.

Lewis Howes hosted Esther Perel a few months ago and asked her about what we can do to heal from infidelity and improve our relationships.

Perel explains that it depends on how long we’ve been in a relationship. Do we have a family together? Have we been together for a few months only?

She goes on to say that nothing will help us more than the cheater himself. How they deal with us highly sets the tone for how we heal and move on. Are they giving us the space we need to feel the hurt? Are they supportive? Do they feel remorse? Or as Perel puts it, are they rushing us?

She also discusses the four killers of relationships and how we can avoid them.

May it be of benefit!



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author: Elyane Youssef

Image: Alena Darmel/Pexels