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June 5, 2021

The Vibration of Things

When was the last time you paid attention to how someone’s company, your thoughts, a place you spend time at, food you ate or your actions shifted the vibration of your being? Everything we come in contact with, with any of our senses affects our vibration.

Sound is one of the most common vibrations we can feel shift our sense of being. We can drop into a different emotional state through the music we listen to. In yoga mantras are used to set the vibration of our practice by creating a shift in our consciousness through the vibration of sound, and yet mantra works silently as well. We can chant quietly in our mind and bring it to the state of our being through mental repetition. As sound does, so does everything from our thoughts to our actions and surroundings affect our vibration and the frequency of our being.

As we live in an overly materialistic world, quantifying every aspect of our existence has become sociatetal obsession. We are taught to estimate success by counting and measuring the food we eat, time we spend exercising, number of friends we have, looking a certain way and so forth instead of paying attention to how these things make us feel, how they resonate in our being.

Nutrition is a much more complex thing than counting calories. Where did our food come from, how was it grown and prepared? What was the intention behind preparing it? How we enjoy it and how we perceive the food we consume play a role in how it will shift our vibration. If we approach food from the perspective of nourishment and gratitude and self love, we are nurturing healthy relationships with it.

Exercise done according to a plan made without paying attention to our current physical and mental state, time of the year or other stressors our being has recently endured, often is amiss. Successfully moving our bodies in a way that benefits our overall wellbeing is often overlooked by trying to achieve some externally placed goal, which is irrelevant to us. Achieving the ideal body according to a trend, will leave you feeling empty if you treat yourself like a machine. Obsessing over a certain form and missing the queues your mind, spirit and body are giving you will lead to a sense of disconnect and illness in the worst case. Approach exercise from the perspective of self love and care.

Friendships build on common interests and true caring, the gift of a genuine friendship, instead of focusing on your popularity are priceless. Cultivate your friendships and yet, do not cling to people in your life, everything has its natural rhythm, including relationships. Pay attention to the vibration your friends and community have. Do the people in your life cultivate positivity, sense of peace and growth in you?

Authenticity, knowing and living according to your dharma – purpose. Live authentically by paying attention to the vibration your thoughts, actions, company and surroundings have on you. Authenticity attracts not only people but health, as health is a matter of combination of our physical, psychological and spiritual well being, and if one of these is off balance the others will suffer too. Yoga helps us to build capability to listen to those queues your body, mind and spirit are giving you, and therefore maintain your overall health and set your vibration towards a more positive state in all areas of our lives.

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