July 21, 2021

5 Mindful Ways to have the Best Summer Romance—Ever.

“In rivers, the water that you touch is the last of what has passed and the first of that which comes; so with present time.”~ Leonardo da Vinci


My girlfriend and I walked barefoot on the green and fresh grass. The type of grass that caresses your skin, and even tickles you.

We soaked with the rays of the sun that reflected on our hair, wavy, free, unstyled, and wild. The warmth of summer covering our skin, adding gold shades to it.

We walked and walked, laughing about how sweaty we were, talking about our future plans, and enjoying a simple, dark chocolate ice cream.

Have you ever read a beautiful novel and pictured yourself as the main character, living adventurous but simple days, walking barefoot, enjoying fresh strawberries, and talking about the future, the stars, and making love?

Well, let me tell you, we are the main character of our lives.

Having a summer romance with ourselves is magic that rejuvenates our spirits, all whilst being in harmony with nature and melting with the season, seeing the green leaves move in a rhythm that dances with the wind.

(This will be the time to get your sandwich, green grapes, some kombucha (or sparkling wine), and read away.)

The best summer romances include, not in this order:

1. Walking barefoot on the grass.

Connecting with mother Earth is a grounding and peaceful experience. Connecting with the earth—its mineral and warmth, isn’t just physically refreshing but it also nourishes our souls. I picture a gold light traveling from the center of the earth and through my feet, making its way to every inch of my being—every pore, soaking my heart in light.

Earth is our home and everything that is alive now came from her soil. Connecting with her is connecting with us and the essence of who we are.

“To me, a lush carpet of pine needles or spongy grass is more welcome than the most luxurious Persian rug.” ~ Helen Keller

Walking among hot Washington, my heart skipped a thousand beats, thinking I would see Abraham Lincoln’s statue for the first time. Seeing a man who represents legacy was the best experience a summer romantic could ask for.

2. Enjoying new experiences, as the main character of our stories, pursuing our dreams, and soaking in life.

Whether vegan, dairy-free, rainbow, pistachio, lavender, or classic chocolate flavoured, there is a magical feeling about enjoying an ice cream while walking with your friends, discovering places you have never seen, and feeling the sun in every part of your body.

To me, a vegan mint, dark chocolate is a delight. In every bite I took, I felt surrounded by mint leaves while savouring the dark chocolate flavours that were swirling in my tongue.

Please go get yourself some ice cream. Can you even spell summer without ice cream?

3. Visiting new places. 

It was the Fourth of July. I sat on the grass, staring at the deck that was connected to the water. The waves were small, reflecting tranquility, and the air warm in the evening. I sat there, feeling free, wild, and careless while staring at the stars. My heart felt grateful to be alive.

As simple as it sounds, let’s discover areas we have never seen. Travel to new areas or within your living neighbourhood, but go into the unknown. Be wild and free. Grab a comfy T-shirt, your sneakers, and go explore. Give yourself the gift of wonder and reignite your being alive. Try a ceviche you haven’t yet tasted, smell hydrangeas you haven’t yet seen, and walk in cobblestones or grass that your feet haven’t touched before.

Let’s go and be wild.

“Summer afternoon, summer afternoon; to me those have always been the two most beautiful words in the English language.” ~ Henry James

4. Getting our feet in the water.

What can be more refreshing than going into the water, and summer is an open invitation to enjoy everything nature has created alongside us.

Water is an element with magic of its own. It cleanses and washes away our anxieties, our worries, and all of those heavy mental rocks we carry. Sitting by the edge of the deck, or maybe we prefer a river or a lake, while showering in cascades and having our feet in the water can make us feel like a child who is present in the moment and is simply happy. A child who is swinging their legs over the water and smiling because there is sun.

Water is a symbol of life, motion, creation, and transformation, and we are a reflection of it. We are creation, movement, and new beginnings.

5. Making love to our own skin. 

I want to normalize giving ourselves some love. Kiss your skin, caress your tan arms, massage your feet, hold your own hands, and be your best company. Thank yourself for being here and for giving yourself your precious company.

Who ever said we can’t fall in love with ourselves? Have endless summers, go out on dates, admire the stars at night, and declare how much we like each other?

And to her, I dedicate this poem:

I saw her gold-kissed skin, she smiled

Her smile was free, bold, and happy

We have walked miles of green grass

Enjoyed dark chocolate and freshwater with lemon slices

She knows my deepest secrets, my battles, my fire for life, and my tears for what is no longer here

Her arms have been my home, and every single time she has held my hand through it all

Smiling back at the mirror, I thank her; I love her. Sitting there with her lioness mane, she is wild

Thank you for being my best friend, for loving me, and for your passion to be truly alive

Let’s be wild, my summer romance.


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Michelle Gutierrez  |  Contribution: 42,600

author: Michelle Gutierrez

Image: Author's Own

Editor: Rasha Al Jabi