July 21, 2021

Death: The final Surrender. {Poem}


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We leave,

with long lists of what is wrong with our bodies.

Forgetting that it is the job of the body,

to shut down when it’s time.

Organ failure—is it a success?

When your goal is to die?

We control,

Everything we can until the end.

Failing to look at the ultimate,

Surrender, not thinking about

What it means.

We leave,

With forgotten memories,

Repeating the same stories under our breath,

Muttering to the wind.

We forget,

The grandmas and the grandpas of the past,

And the love of the generations under our wings.

We lost,

The sense of understanding, our shared histories—

And what this means about the future,

Everything cement-ensconced and fluorescent-scented,

Forgetting the way the land curved before



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Claire Boyce  |  Contribution: 4,945

author: Claire Boyce

Image: thenakedsloth/Instagram

Editor: Anjelica Ilovi