August 4, 2021

Que Sera, Sera: The True Essence of Living in the Now.


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Some words, images, songs can leave a lasting imprint on our minds.

“Que Sera, Sera” is one such line and song.

I remember when I was a little girl, I would often trouble my mom by asking her what would happen tomorrow or what if a particular thing didn’t happen? And when she would be in a playful mood, she would often do a little dance in the room and sing in her girly voice,

“Que sera, sera

Whatever will be, Will be…

The future’s not ours to see

Que sera, sera…”

I can still hear this song in my mind and I can picture her dancing around.

Perhaps, this was her way of telling me that we cannot control life and we must not even entertain this idea of control.

The essence of life lies in the idea of being present in the now—here, in this moment.

Our future is a sum total of our present actions and where we are choosing to focus our energies.

And even then, the outcome is not in our hands, because what will be, will be.

COVID-19 and all other natural calamities are solid proof of this.

As humans, we must constantly strive toward “being” and “living” because we are “living beings” and not “controlling beings.”

We can try 

We can hope

We can strive for

We can wait

We can search

We can find

We can hold on

We can let go

But, we can never control.

So we must not even try.

The true essence of life lies in acknowledging, accepting, and living each moment as it is.

It lies in envisioning what we want or would like for ourselves and work toward it with hope and faith so that when it does become our reality, we can relish it and when it doesn’t, we can learn from it.

In essence, the idea of control is a mirage.

The essence of life is growth.

Whether we grow through what we want or what life endeavors to give to us.

We must grow because…

“Que sera, sera

Whatever will be, will be

The future’s not ours to see

Que sera, sera…”

Therefore, we must live now. We must be in this moment.

This moment, right here has everything we need to change, grow, evolve, and become.

This moment.

All our lives are connections of these small moments. Nothing more.

“Realise deeply that the present moment is all you ever have.” ~ Eckhart Tolle


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Damini Grover  |  Contribution: 112,980

author: Damini Grover

Image: madebyralu/instagram

Editor: Lisa Erickson