September 29, 2021

This Poem made me Believe in Love Again.

Because of you…

You entered my sunlit dreams

Offering your heart

So open and warm

I melted into you

So steady and sure

You held onto me

With a strength that calmed my fear

Your devious charm

Seducing me

With belly laughs

And innuendo 

Your voice

Your moans

The way you sigh my name

Lights a fire inside me

Throwing caution to the wind

With eyes and hearts open 

Allowing our souls to find their way back together 

We have loved each other for eons

Reconnecting with so much ease

Letting the how unfold

As it is meant to

Our illusion of control

Destiny laughs at us

No point in resistance 

The stars are aligned 

My healing heart

Bursting open 

Ready to receive

The magic of you 

I want to hide

Drawing into myself

You seek me out

Pulling me closer

I am braver 

Because of you

I am stronger

Because of you

You are my sanctuary

You lift me up

Hold me tight

Blow my wings open

Launching me free

Always flying back to you

Where I belong

Tether me

To your heart

Side by side

We journey together

Great adventures await us 

Growing and glowing

You are my forever

My light 

My love


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Jana Joy  |  Contribution: 6,555

author: Jana Joy

Image: Jo-B/pixabay

Editor: Kate Force