September 16, 2021

Focus, focus! Five Hacks to Quit Daydreaming at Work.

I am sometimes really good at focusing and getting lots of work done and other times I find I daydream and get distracted.

So, I look for ways to be more focused.

My “go-to” method, like with many of life’s challenges, is to use specific crystals like sodalite and yellow agate. Sodalite is also called “Logic Stone“ and is great for analysis, intuition, observation, and creativity, and the yellow agate helps with increased willpower, concentration, and memory.

Here are five ways to get lots of work done.

1. Get the biggest task done first thing in the morning

Just like the recommendations in Brian Tracy’s “Eat That Frog.” (The title says it all really.) It makes me feel I have completed 50 percent of my priorities for the day—and there is no more of that heaviness of the most difficult task anymore.

The fact that I’ve already had a productive day motivates me to finish off everything. And if not, I won’t beat myself up for being unproductive, because the most important task has been done first!

This is huge. When we manage to make this our process, we start to function from a place of proficiency and confidence.

2. Measure progress

It’s the most amazing phenomenon, but if I look at where I am, set a goal, and keep track, I get better results. So, for example, for me, I might need be making bracelets. If I say “I need to make X bracelets this week” then get to work, I keep track along the way, and feel a sense of accomplishment the closer I get to my goal. This works with making social media posts, working on email, and doing my budgeting. I learned about this trick from James Clear.

3. Take the phone out of the room

If I really want to focus on something that I can do without my phone, I physically take it to another room and leave it there. It may feel scary and strange at first, but this goes to show just how often we rely on our phone—and how much of a distraction it really is! I have all my sounds off apart from calls! So if there is anything urgent I get to hear it, everything else can wait!

4. Don’t eat where you work: don’t work where you sleep

Making sure there is this space means that within a certain period of time, my brain switches to a work/productive mode once I get to that place. I’ve been training my brain to associate the place with focus and work.

My tip is to keep it really simple and minimalistic so that there are no distractions. Laptop, notepad, and pen, a crystal for focus or money, and a motivation quote—no food, kids, toys, pets, TV— just work-related stuff!

5. Coworking and “work sprints”

This one I tried recently with my friend Keren who also helps with my marketing. She and I sat at the Social Café in central Sofia, described to each other what we’d each work on, got to it for 45 minutes sprints—and then reported how we did. We did three to four sprints—and I got more done on that day than I ever do. Music was playing, and we even stopped and did videos about it.

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author: Karen Lerner

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