October 25, 2021

How I Use Tarot Therapy to Unlock the Subconscious Mind.


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Lately, the majority of my posts have centered around the journey of my spiritual evolution. 

This past week began with a nuclear blast of regression, only to bounce back and find my stride again. With that aside, I want to talk about tarot. I’ve noticed a TikTok trend for the last several months: “Your ex is coming back. They are in a karmic; they are your twin flame…blah blah blah.”

Now, these readings can provide comfort for those who are in separation, and humans need hope, especially in this day and age. However, tarot is more than “foretelling” and reading energy.

The tarot is a powerful tool for therapeutic conversations that can help clients understand themselves deeper than before. Tarot is by no means a replacement for professional mental help. Recently, I took the plunge into life coaching for myself. While self-awareness is a powerful tool when used appropriately, sometimes, even spiritual psychologists like me need an extra boost and seek help.

My job as a tarot therapist is to help unlock the subconscious and get to the root of one’s journey through the tarot. I am more of a facilitator who can channel the messages of spirit to expand self-awareness and recognize the ability we have within.

Unfortunately, we will not get the future, but we can walk away with a deeper understanding of ourselves, coupled with practical guidance on how to solve our problems. A holistic healer, therapist, and even reader will want clients to empower themselves, so they can see they have the inner resources to overcome difficulties.

The artwork of the Rider Waite tarot provides symbolism and imagery that unlocks memories and feelings deep within the querent’s psyche. The images are inspired by medieval and Renaissance scenes. Yet, regardless of the period these images arose, the theme is universal, and there is something we can all relate to in one-way shape or form.

My journey as a tarot reader evolved when I became tired of analyzing every detail and started allowing the cards to tell me their story. At this point, I began to realize these cards could be used for a deeper, more therapeutic objective rather than only reading the dictated meanings of each card from a book.

Tarot Therapy (as I call it) are more insightful sessions with channeled messages from the spirit realm and the help of carefully guided questioning, so the client can discover for themselves what they need to see. I like to ask my clients what the cards mean to them.

We are all capable of thinking, as well as creating meaning for ourselves. A newfound sense of empowerment unfolds by providing a safe space for clients to begin to formulate meaning for themselves on their terms. Nothing is more thrilling than watching a client have their own aha moment. When the clients can create meaning for themselves, the need for an external force to do it for them, dissolves. They are free from the bonds of helplessness.

As all things evolve, so will the art of tarot. We still need the readers who can provide hope for those who need it, but many tarot readers are allowing the cards to tell the story, and there are those of us who only want to be a facilitator of self-discovery through the cards. Whatever our needs may be, there is a type of tarot for everyone. 

There are a wide variety of tools to help us all grow and evolve. We never know what treasures we will discover in our hearts as we explore ourselves through the process. 


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author: Rosemary Porter

Image: kissenillustrated/Instagram

Editor: Anjelica Ilovi