November 17, 2021

Candy & Climate Change: Why Junk Food is almost as Bad as Meat for our Planet.

Most of us know that junk food isn’t good for us, but did you know that candy, processed food, and sugar-sweetened drinks are also causing climate change?

Wait, what?

Dr. John Douillard asks us to stop eating junk food—just before the holidays.

But he is right. According to a new study published by the University of South Australia, 30 percent of food-related greenhouse gases in Australia and New Zealand are caused by so-called avoidable energy-rich and nutrient-poor discretionary foods.

Yes, we are talking about candy.

It’s not surprising that unhealthy foods are harmful to our bodies, but I had no idea that they also cause global warming.

So, before we start munching on our holiday snacks, we better listen to Dr. Douillard explaining why our choices have more consequences than just us gaining a few pounds.

Does that mean that we can’t have any candy for Christmas? I don’t think so, but we can try to be more mindful about it.

The good news is that Dr. Douillard offers easy solutions to this problem in his latest video blog. I hope you enjoy watching it as much as I did. May it be of benefit!




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author: Robert Busch

Image: John Douillard/YouTube Screenshot