November 24, 2021

New Moon Solar Eclipse: 5 Ways to say Yes to Embodiment. {December 2021}

Photo by Joshua Abner on Pexels.

“Whether it’s science or magic, if it’s of fun benefit, enjoy!” ~ ed


On December fourth, we will experience a solar eclipse with the new moon.

While new moons are always a powerful time to set intentions, solar eclipses help us shine the light on what to say yes to in order to bring that intention into reality.

After the November 19th partial lunar eclipse, shadows came to the surface. We can use this solar eclipse to help shine light on what came forward. Now is the time to heal emotional wounds and cultivate a greater trust in ourselves, others, and with spirit. There is no question we are in a time of course correcting, breaking patterns, and changing the story.

Unfinished business? Complete it. Deep wound? Heal it. Bad habit? Break it. It will be challenging to shift into the abundance this solar eclipse is offering if we continue with self-sabotaging behaviors time and again. Instead, we can say no thank you to the itty, bitty, sh*tty committee in our minds, and yes to breaking patterns, being open to change, and empowering ourselves to shift from doubt and pessimism to opportunity and optimism.

Here are five things to say yes to in the time leading up to the solar eclipse and new moon, to fully ignite the optimal and supportive energy available to embody who we were born to be:

1. Say yes to truth.

We may experience a bit of a wake-up call in terms of truth and integrity. We have to stand in the power of what is true for us and avoid allowing others to rock us loose. Part of saying yes to our truth also entails noticing where we may be accusing others of not knowing the truth, or even flat-out lying. If we see it, we be it, and if we spot it, we got it. Getting in tune with the truth in the heart is vital for this time. More importantly, if we find ourselves accusing others of telling untruths, we have to make sure we aren’t the ones telling them, too.

2. Say yes to inspiration.

We’ll likely feel a burst of inspiration to create. When we follow the nudge to use the creative expression boiling from within, we will be led to new opportunities, clarity on our next steps, and a new perspective that brings light and hope. Creative endeavors can be anything that calls; bring color into an outfit, build something, cook, dance, decorate something in the home, generate ideas, journal, make a fairy garden, make a to-do list and decorate it, paint, use watercolor, or write. Whatever feels creative and will get intuitive energy moving through our system, say yes to it.

3. Say yes to visualizing or sensing. 

We can look at any recent shadow stories presented lately, think about what we would like to see differently, and imagine and visualize that outcome. For those who experience aphantasia, and “seeing” in the mind’s eye or imagining the result isn’t available, we can also journal about the outcome and bring the appropriate feelings into our body that match that outcome. Do whatever we have to do to get into the vibration of a brighter opportunity. We all have the choice to perceive any shadow to be happening for us and with us. When we do that, we can reflect on our challenges and issues, and notice how they may be revealing what isn’t aligned for our higher good. We can shift it by then visualizing, feeling, or sensing what we do want.

4. Say yes to travel and movement. 

It’s a great time to travel! The energy is moving, bright, bold, and actionable. If we find ourselves in situations that prevent travel, we can still invoke the energy by making future travel plans. Because Sagittarius rules the thighs and legs, it also highlights the importance of movement and exercise. Getting moving will help us not only physically, but also mentally during this energizing time. While new moons are typically a good time for slow and restorative movement like yin yoga, following the urge to do higher intensity movement if it is there can align us further. Bonus points for moving out in nature!

5. Say yes to being aligned. 

If we are not on the path that is best suited for us, we will know. If we are in the flow and living the fully embodied life that we were designed to live, we will find situations easy and going joyfully well. We may even experience the sense that things are picking up and moving along where it has been a bit slower for us. If we are not living aligned and doing what is most beneficial, we will notice things aren’t working; situations may seem challenging, we might feel like we are forcing or asking ourselves, “what next?” It’s vital to put this information to use and course-correct where necessary.

We always have a choice at these opportune times that nature provides to say yes to what is offered or ignore the opportunities presented to us. Will you please join me in saying yes?!

We will probably find the week busy, filled with appointments, discussion, negotiations, sharing, messages, phone calls, a full social calendar, new learnings, and maybe making new friends. No matter the hustle and bustle that may surround you, say yes with me!

What we decide now will likely hold effect for three months. So say yes now instead of looking back and wishing you did.

If you do choose to join me in activating this beautiful and intense energy, I would love to hear how. Let me know in the comments if something here inspired you, or perhaps something else! I am saying yes with you!


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Gina Nicole Ballard  |  Contribution: 107,155

author: Gina Nicole Ballard

Image: Joshua Abner/Pexels

Editor: Catherine Monkman