January 20, 2022

How to Actually Manifest your Intentions.


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Happy 2022!

As you enter into this new year, ask yourself: what deep beliefs and old stories still control me?

What things do you need to let go of?

What three things do you need to start doing?

I read an article recently about choosing a word for the upcoming year. Mine is “contentment.”

Have you set your realistic and obtainable intentions?

If you have not set your intentions yet, it is okay; you have plenty of time to do so. I want you to be realistic about them, think deeply about what you want, and ask the Universe to help you identify it. Visualize the intentions and then let them go—let them flow out into the Universe, and then sit back and let the magical unfold.

Coaching is an incredible way to work on intention setting. It is important that once your intentions are set and you have let them flow out into the Universe, you receive unconditional support from a coach who will help you stay focused during the manifestation process.

Manifesting takes commitment and the ability to visualize the outcome. Most people struggle with the latter because they are used to and may even insist on instant gratification. Coaching is a great way to keep you grounded and in the moment.

Fitness and weight loss is always a big intention for people. Do you want to lose a few pounds? Have you figured out how you will do this? Did you go online and research diet and exercise plans or did you hire a wellness coach to help you?

Wanting something and taking action to get there are two completely different things.

Career and money are a close second to fitness and weight loss. Are you wanting/needing a new job. Do you want to change fields? Have you decided how you are going to achieve this? Have you started networking in the fields that you desire? Have you put yourself out there on LinkedIn? Is your resume up-to-date? Have you started your job search? How about taking some classes online?

Love, the ultimate intention. This is a tough one as we never know when love is going to walk into our lives. I would love to say, you will log onto your dating app and the perfect man will be right there. Hey, you never know, that could happen, but odds are…it won’t. So what will you do to attract your perfect partner this year? Will you try different or multiple dating apps? Ask your friends to set you up. Go out more?

Sure this is all good stuff, but honestly, the best advice I can give you is to love yourself. Love yourself so much that the energy you would normally put into finding someone goes right back into yourself. That energy will fuel you to do the other things on your intention list like lose weight, advance your career, change career paths, meet fitness goals, and so on.

Self-love will guide you to be the person you have always wanted to meet! You will be the happiest and healthiest version of yourself.

I read a sign at a church in town that said, “Be who you wish to meet.” This has stuck with me. We all know that we are a mirror. If you are insecure, sad, lonely, or feel abandoned…that is what you will attract. However, on the flip side, if you are confident, content, happy, fulfilled, successful, and have a great life…what do you think will happen? You will attract that same type of person.

Be who you wish to attract!

A few years ago, I was a totally different person, definitely not living my best self, and I attracted someone just as unhealthy. After the relationship ended, I chose to change my story. I have worked incredibly hard in trauma therapy and have worked hard to heal those childhood wounds that kept showing up in my life. Through this work, I am able to help others, which is my ultimate goal.

My focus has been 100 percent on me, my kids, my career, and I have started creating the life I have always wanted to have. Making these changes in myself helped to shift my perspective and change my vibration, which ultimately has led me to manifesting, naturally, the life that I deserve.

My advice when working toward a goal is to always recognize and celebrate the small victories. They may seem small, but they are actually huge when you look back to where you started from.

At this point, once you have become the person you want to be, that will be when you attract healthy things and people into your life. It is a process, it is work, it is exhausting, but it is so worth it.

Manifesting your intentions is something only you can do, and you can do this by shifting your perspective, healing old traumas, starting with a positive mindset, and doing the work it takes to achieve your goals.

You have the power to manifest anything you want if you stay on your journey and simply watch the magic unfold.

So what will 2022 bring for you?


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author: Avesha Parker

Image: lauraklinke_art/instagram

Editor: Lisa Erickson