March 31, 2022

Daily Mindfulness to Reduce Anxiety: a Questionnaire to use on Hard Days (or Any Day).


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Over the past five years, I have gone through hard emotional times, which have created something I had never experienced—anxiety.

It is an overwhelming feeling of doubt and worry and confusion that takes us over and restricts our breathing and our thinking and makes us feel helpless and scared.

As I worked through my trauma and sadness, I began to become aware of the times my anxiety bombarded me, and I started to find ways to bring it under control.

One day, it came over me and it was at a time when I was actually feeling really good; the causes of my sadness were more in check, so I didn’t understand why. So, I relied on something that has always helped me solve other problems—and it actually worked!

I came up with this set of questions to ask myself and to observe in detail my current mental and emotional status and to try to understand the detail of where I was.

It helped me so much to departmentalize my emotions, my obligations, my worries, and it allowed me to address each one and make a plan of action.

Since I started to do this, my anxiety has gone away and I am no longer in fear of it appearing suddenly and not being able to address it and confront it.

Here is the questionnaire I developed and use to this day:

A. How do I feel today? __

B. What is my degree of happiness today (honestly, as this is just for me) 1-10? __

What is driving it? __

C. Which of these emotions am I experiencing today?

Stress __ What is causing it? __

Anxiousness __What is causing it? __

Anger __ What is causing it? __

Regret __ What is causing it? __

Guilt __ What is causing it? __

Sadness __ What is causing it? __

Loneliness __ What is causing it? __

Worry __ What is causing it? __

What actions can I take to help reduce each one?




D. What are the things I am thankful for today?




E. Waking up today was worth it because: __

F. What did I accomplish yesterday in my personal growth? __

G. What things didn’t work yesterday? __

H. What are my three priorities for today—three things I will get done?




I. What advice would I give to someone in a similar situation today? __


Use the back of the page to write or journal today or this week—write for you, write your true feelings without any filters. Write whatever the f*ck you feel like writing!

I hope this helps people in the way that it has helped me.

I hope you keep the pages to reference in the future—especially the day that you are more healed and your heart and soul are calm and quiet.


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Guillermo Quijano  |  Contribution: 11,170

author: Guillermo Quijano

Image: dust_._dust/instagram

Editor: Lisa Erickson