March 7, 2022

Putin must be stopped.

The key is stopping him without creating further war.

War is hell. We can not end war by waging it.

And yet, Putin must be stopped. It’s a modern, timeless, painful koan.

And, to be fair, I think the notion that giving in (passive peace) always leads to more peace was thoroughly misproven post-appeasement, in WWII.

Reading Colonel Vindman this morning changed my mine on the US supporting a No Fly Zone over Ukraine.

What’s your view on that?

I’m concerned about larger war, but yes, standing up to Putin matters. His ambitions aren’t contained to the awful suffering he’s creating in the Ukraine.


Relephant bonus: 

Femen Ukraine protest against Putin, in Paris, France. [Nudity, Context]

Three of the Worst Photos I’ve ever seen in my life. [Warning: Heartbreaking]

Little girl singing “Let it go” in a shelter

Oh my god.???????

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