April 9, 2022

5 Things People with Anxiety Do when they’re Alone.


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The first time I told my husband that I have anxiety, he was startled.

He kept reassuring me that I don’t, and I kept trying to convince him that I do. After years of living together, my husband now knows that I suffer in silence. In fact, most of those who suffer from anxiety mostly suffer alone.

The truth is it’s hard to put into words our experience when we’re in the midst of an anxiety attack. It’s tough to bring ourselves to focus when our minds are trying to convince us there is danger. And it’s certainly challenging to try and convince others that most times, we’re scared, we’re worried, and we’re just waiting for the “bad” to happen.

Anxiety is not easy, but oftentimes, it makes me feel slightly better to know that I’m not alone. In fact, anxiety is the world’s biggest mental health problem with an estimated 275 million people suffering from it.

The number might shock you because, as I said earlier, people with anxiety suffer in silence.

According to Psych2Go, here are five things people who suffer from anxiety might do when they’re alone:

1. Overthink.

2. Stay in their comfort zone.

3. Withdraw from social interaction.

4. Struggle to finish tasks.

5. Toss and turn in bed.

Watch the video for more details:




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author: Elyane Youssef

Image: giuliajrosa/Instagram