May 25, 2022

5 Ways to Activate & Empower our Intentions this New Moon. {May 30, 2022}


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*Whether astrology is science or magic, we’re open to most things, if they may be of benefit. ~ Ed.


The vortex of beginnings and endings is swirling around us as Mercury is retrograding, eclipse season is blasting our earth, and synchronicities are showing up at every right turn.

Life is about to shift right before us. We may experience childlike awe similar to the first time we ever experienced enchantment from a magician, or it may feel like an intense sting zapping through our body.

For those of us noticing the extreme highs and lows, the New Moon in Gemini on May 30th may bring space before the eclipse season wraps up in mid-June. After so much change, and maybe even discord, this New Moon will infuse a fresh breath of air amidst smokey mirrors.

We may find a lightness, a break in the shift eclipse season has brought, and a chance to activate and empower our intention in the following five ways.

1. We can empower ourselves by saying yes to new opportunities.

Doorways are open, and pathways are ready to be explored. Even if we feel a little uncomfortable in the moment, saying yes to that discomfort is likely to bring a sense of safe clarity to the light. We are in a time of oneness, yet reflection and effective communication will be vital. It’s essential to stay in intelligent discussions so we can all make educated decisions, but let’s not be quick to turn down new opportunities.

2. We can empower ourselves by mapping out a new plan.

This New Moon is a divine time to set intentions for communication goals, new beginnings, connection with spirit, new skills and courses, and anything we want to change. Pretend life is a road map; grab a journal, and map it out! Mark any stops, possible roads (are they windy and adventurous or straight and narrow?), sites to see, and distance to go. The time is now for us to set intentions and map out a plan for our journey. And let’s not be afraid to take the road less traveled.

3. We can empower ourselves to make small shifts for big change.

Making a big change doesn’t have to feel or even look “big.” We can make small shifts in how much information we take in and when, how often we move our bodies, and how we plan our days and weeks. When I started to schedule one health activity like acupuncture, massage, or therapy, for every three client sessions I had, my nervous system changed entirely—I felt at ease, and space opened up in my life. It’s a good time to fine-tune small details for a more significant impact.

4. We can empower ourselves to slow down to speed up.

We would all benefit from slowing way down. Can we make a pact to stop the multitasking, take time making decisions, and, as noted above, make more minor tweaks and shifts? Speeding up isn’t the answer for those trying to assess how to get more done and meet the significant change upon us.

5. We can empower ourselves with more self-trust.

If we can marry the above four points with trust, we will all be more present, allowing what unfolds before us to be. Now is an excellent time to embrace the inner High Priestess in ourselves, in a way where intuition is our guide and our inner GPS systems are leading the way through our new roadmaps. It’s an intuitive time, and a lot is going on behind the scenes for us all. Trust the synchronicities and say yes to what feels good in the body.

Alas, another gift this moon brings is an opportunity to feel safe in sharing. Can you choose one way to empower yourself from above and share with me in the comments? I would love to hear from you, and if you want added support or to connect in community, you can also find me here!

May this New Moon bring new intentions and a new life road map of adventure! XO

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author: Gina Nicole Ballard

Image: katja.perez/Instagram

Editor: Juliana Otis