February 27, 2022

4 New Moon Rituals to Clear Stagnant Energy & Carve a Pathway to Change. {March 2}

Whether astrology is science or magic, we’re open to most things, if they may be of benefit. ~ Ed.


New Moon, new intentions! Ready to leap?!

March 2, 2022, gifts us with a New Moon in Pisces, bringing opportunities for a start as fresh as the morning breeze and new beginnings as big as the day we were born.

There are four keynotes this New Moon is supporting. If we can flow with it versus fight it, we’ll be living large.

The blessings of this transformative time are as follows:

  1. Significant change
  2. Personal goals coming to fruition
  3. Creative projects blossoming in rewards
  4. Leaps of love

Passing up this opportunity for a significant shift would be a bummer, but the good news is there are easy ways to harness the energy.

Here are four New Moon rituals to try to activate the charge that is upon us:

1) Take a leap of love letter faith.

When I sense a significant change on the horizon and feel a future version of myself is near, I write a love letter to me from me. Light a candle, sit in the dark of the New Moon silence, and begin writing:

“Dear _______,”

Think of the future version of you that is ready to birth. Allow the words to flow right out, uninterrupted for at least 20 minutes. Write about all of the moments you are proud of (past, present, and future) and the moments of lessons. Think about the version of yourself that takes a mysterious leap of faith and compose a love letter to them. Mark your calendar six months from the day you wrote it, and remind yourself to look at it. You will be awe-inspired and hopefully delighted at what comes to fruition.

2) Say “I love you” often.

Writing a love letter to self is helpful for future visioning, and it also gives us a chance to accept our imperfections. Part of this moon’s theme is accepting what is and letting go of what isn’t (no matter how bad we want it to be). Not only in ourselves but in others as well. Set an alarm for every hour, five hours, four hours, or whatever is realistic. Label the alarm “I love you.” When the reminder goes off, simply say “I love you” five times (I suggest five as it is the number of transformation and change).

3) Commit to your personal goals in writing.

Honoring what we want doesn’t have to be a big event. In fact, it can be as simple as journaling. Write down your personal goals, and next to them, note three possible action steps you can take at the first quarter moon (March 10). Writing them down or giving them a voice puts energy on them. It makes a difference, and I see it happen time and again.

Every month during the new moon and full moon, I host a ritual call. We set intentions as a group every New Moon, typically writing them down, and at the Full Moon, we look back to the corresponding New Moon that happened six months prior. I am always delighted but never surprised when this reflection illuminates the ah-ha moments for myself and others. By simply jotting a note or goal down, visualizing, or giving our goals a voice, we put them into action.

4) Visualize and meditate to welcome a new phase.

When we focus on our joy and remain open to meeting new connections, say yes to fresh starts, and stay open to new beginnings, we align our energy centers with welcoming new experiences. There isn’t much we have to do, and yet sometimes, the most simple things are left ignored. If you have four minutes and 51 seconds, I have a gift I’d love to offer you. It’s a guided visualization and affirmation for the New Moon. You can click this link and download this gift.

You can do one or all of the above. If you are especially feeling a fresh start, I ask—please do something. Don’t stay stagnant; the energy around you will do the same. Say yes to yourself, commit to your goals like never before, and take big leaps forward.

This potent energy is carving the pathway to change and new, say yes with me! I would love to hear what and how you implement it if you are with me. Let me know in the comments.


Read more about this New Moon: Dark Moon in Pisces: 8 Ways to Burn Karma & Find Center in these Unsettling Times. {March 2}


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author: Gina Nicole Ballard

Image: Carol Oliver/Unsplash

Editor: Sukriti Chhopra