May 3, 2022

The love of a dog can heal our world.

My dog just died. I buried him. Then, the leak of the Roe v. Wade via the partisan-ed Supreme Court happened. At first, it felt like two separate subjects. Both important, one inner and small and personal, one outer and vast and vital. But then I thought about the connection between the two.

It’s simple.

The love we have for the smallest things—our dog, say—is a gateway to a Love that can heal our world.

Redford’s passing has left a hole in my home
and a hole in my heart
a hole in the good earth in my backyard
he filled the first, and the second, and now fills the third.

Death is final, of course, but it reminds us to love and appreciate one another, and our earth, and all animals.
When the world is filled with corruption and anger and greed for power
one sweet, warm, dorky dog can bring us together in true power, which is active love. Love renews our tired hearts, it calls back our distraction, it awakens our protective care.

What is happening in DC is the result of distraction, a lack of active love, a giving up of genuine power. Let us renew our hearts in the coffers of love. And let us vote like hell, and protect voting rights, and gain a true majority not dependent on Manchin or Sinema, and let us push back the rising tide of extremism and misinformation and greed and fascism.
From our kitchen sink to the halls of Washington, it’s all connected.

We got this—if we care.

Redford just passed away.

Just buried Redford.

A fundraiser in honor of Redford.

Read “no one is pro-abortion!” and see what’s happened to abortion rates over the last 50 years.

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