July 10, 2022

The Main Reason why People Might Cheat in their Relationships.

Cheating is a topic that scares most of us.

Whether we have experienced betrayal or not, the idea of cheating or being cheated on threatens our romantic relationships. It’s not because we are cheaters or have married the wrong partner; trust, no matter how strong and enduring it is, might (and sometimes will) be violated at any given time.

Cheating doesn’t even have to be physical. Sometimes, it’s in the mind. Other times, it’s purely emotional. Whatever the reason might be, infidelity might bring our romantic relationships to an end.

How can we avoid the reasons that trigger cheating? Maybe if we better understand what pushes us to look for validation, love, or attention from someone new, we could build happier, long-lasting relationships.

Here’s a three-minute video that explains why people have affairs:



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author: Elyane Youssef

Image: Victoria Strelka_ph/Pexels