July 3, 2022

87 Words from Nikita Gill for Anyone who’s Angry Right Now.


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“Yep. I’m angry and everyone I love is angry.”

This caption says it all.

If you’re currently outraged and disgusted by the recent events in the United States, read Nikita’s Gill latest post on Instagram.

“I refuse to teach my daughters and nieces
To wear shame as a second skin.
I refuse to allow the weight of the world
to crush them the way it tried to crush us. 
I refuse to bend, break, stop fighting back
against everything that teaches us to be small.
I refuse the version of society that says
we are less than anyone.

There is lightning in our bones
and wildfire in our spirits
and we will find a way despite it all
to survive and thrive.” ~ Nikita Gill



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Elyane Youssef  |  Contribution: 925,170

author: Elyane Youssef

Image: giuliajrosa/Instagram