November 11, 2022

“Why is vegan such a hot button issue for you?”

“Why is vegan such a hot button issue for you?”

he asked me on a planet that’s overheating, when I and we love animals, and shouldn’t want to casually torture and murder them.⁠

For the same reason slave labor in our coffee and chocolate matters.⁠

Racism and sexism and anti-Semitism and anti-immigrant and all other other-ism matters.⁠

They’re all different, on different levels, but they’re all part of the violence of this world, paths we can wake up from if we’re willing to stop viewing them as okay. ~⁠

Waylon Lewis, @waylonlewis ⁠

(if I’ve offended, please do reach out so I can apologize, I make no claim to being skillful, but I do care, and most of our assumptions or arguments around veganism or eating meat are lazy and health-or fact-light, frankly).⁠

Share your story: elephantjournal.com/post to Elephant, instantly. Reach beyond the choir to all those who might give a care. ⁠

Here‘s why I became vegan (hint: it involves dairy) #dairy #vegan #eggs #veal #cows #milk #cheese

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