December 15, 2022

30 Things to Stop Normalizing.

Many of us, if not most, feel hopeless about the state of the world, fearful for our future.

We bemoan climate change and wonder what we can really do. We bemoan Trump and his effect on democracy and wonder what we can do.

But what if you did one thing? What if I did one thing? What if we all, every one of us who is able, did one thing to be of benefit? Macro is made up of micro. And sometimes, micro (small actions) is macro (something huge, as it can inspire others).

Things that shouldn’t be normalized:

  1. flying all over the world “first class baby” all the time without context re climate crisis or offsetting,
  2. driving if and when you could walk bus bike carpool,
  3. buying stuff online instead of locally,
  4. eating and torturing animals (dairy too),
  5. wearing fur (collars count Canada Goose),
  6. hating others—trans, immigrant, anti-Semitism, racism, sexism, homophobia, c’mon
  7. believing in conspiracies over facts,
  8. wearing plastic,
  9. buying plastic,
  10. idling for no good reason (super polluting),
  11. leaf blowering
  12. not voting,
  13. hating on external threats to your relationship instead of focusing on healing your relationship,
  14. toxic buildings,
  15. not exercising your dog,
  16. leaving lights on,
  17. having heat/ac on,
  18. lawns instead of butterfly/bee/wildlife habitat,
  19. cutting down mature trees,
  20. plastic take out,
  21. idolizing famous people/musicians,
  22. not communicating whenever something’s awkward,
  23. wasting water,
  24. factory farming,
  25. container and cruise ships,
  26. Amazon,
  27. billionaires—”63% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck—including nearly half of six-figure earners.”
  28. watching FIFA,
  29. visiting Dubai/Qatar/China/Russia and supporting the state instead of advocating for the oppressed (There’s a few others that could be on that list. Basically countries that are doing one or more of the following in overtly suppressing/locking up/torturing/enslaving populations–natives, gay, women, minorities, using slave labor, endorsing rape)
  30. elective plastic surgery
  31. Burning fires outsides/gas fires outside/fracking/gas heating inside instead of electric
  32. burning fossil fuels to drive

what else? Add something in comments, I’ll add it here.

My original rough draft post:

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