January 5, 2023

293 Words on the Power of Being Present with Ourselves.


What do you do when you feel sad?

Or angry?

Or scared?

Do you try to run or avoid or distract?

Or do you notice, watch, pay attention?

What if instead of thinking something is wrong

With feeling what you’re feeling,

You become curious,


What if you just let yourself feel what you feel?

And seek to learn what it really what means,

What it’s trying to tell you,

What it wants you to know,

The lessons it wants you to learn?

What if you just let yourself be present

With your emotions,

With what your heart,

With yourself?

What if you understood that the healing

Comes from feeling,

From understanding what’s happening

And why?

From simply letting yourself be



Presently with all of it,

With yourself.

What if you knew that you couldn’t run or avoid,

That you couldn’t distract,

Because the cause of the discomfort will just linger

Stay there

Live there

Reside in places within you

Spaces inside of you

Until you’re willing to be with it

Until you’re willing to feel it

Until you’re willing to learn from it

Until you’re willing to become aware

Willing to understand?

What if you understood that there is power in simply being present

With yourself?

What if you understood

That there’s a deep place within you that is solid



That is deeper and more powerful than even the strong pull of your fluctuating emotions?

What if you sought to connect to this place

This sturdy


Light within you?

What if you knew that the point of everything

Every moment

Every breath

Every heartbeat

Was to come back to yourself

To who you really are

To the deepest place within you?

To the beautiful light within you?


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Lisa Erickson  |  Contribution: 260,810

author: Lisa Erickson

Image: JL G/Pixabay