April 19, 2023

6 Things to Love about Spring.

I’m loving seeing all of the flowers starting to pop up right now.

I’m seeing them on trees, in bushes, and sprouting up from the earth. It’s actually starting to feel like spring!

Truthfully, I appreciate something about all seasons. I love the heat and the sun and the warmth of summer (and the older I get, the more I find myself loving and longing for summer). I love the colors of the leaves in fall and the feel of a cool breeze and wearing sweaters after a summer of heat. I love how beautiful the snow is in winter, and how invigorating the cold air can be. Long walks during winter can be lovely if we just bundle up nicely.

And then there’s spring. It’s fresh and new and it feels like the world is starting to wake up. There’s an energy to spring, a hopeful feeling…an awakening that I love.

Here are six things I love about spring:

1. The beautiful flowers. I love seeing all of the beautiful flowers starting to bloom, in all of the varieties of colors. It makes my heart feel so light.

2. Warmer weather. I love being able to go outside with less layers. It also makes me feel the hopeful anticipation for the summer months, when I can be outside in tank tops and T-shirts all of the time.

3. The sounds of the birds. The birds sound so alive, and there’s something so wonderful about hearing them first thing in the morning! It makes the world feel so awake and alive, like it’s buzzing with life and energy.

4. More daylight. I love how it’s lighter later into evening and how the sun is starting to rise earlier too. And because it’s lighter later, I feel like I have more energy in the evening now, which feels wonderful.

5. People seem happier. People seem happier when it’s sunny and warm and it starts to feel more enjoyable being outside. I’ve almost always lived in a place where it snowed in winter, and when those first warm, sunny spring days come, it seems like everyone wants to be outside. It also seems like everyone is smiling.

6. It feels like a fresh beginning. There seems to be a renewed energy. Whether it’s because of the flowers or the life starting to wake up, or some other reason, it feels like such a hopeful, new, fresh time.

What do you love about spring?


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author: Lisa Erickson

Image: Ekaterina Krusanova/Unsplash