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April 25, 2023

March is a Powerful Month for Us Lightworkers

March is the month us lightworkers have been anticipating for quite a while. It has the potential to not only be the highlight of the year, but possibly the century! We have three huge planetary alignments, which have the potential to move us exponentially further along into the Age of Aquarius. Saturn just entered Pisces on March 7th, Jupiter will conjunct Chiron in Aries on the 12th and Pluto will be entering Aquarius on the 23rd. The energy of these alignments will set in motion possibly several events within the 3D matrix that will likely be even more impactful than what we experienced in 2020. Many of us lightworkers starting feeling and integrating this energy around the last super new moon at 1 degree Pisces on February 20th, which I believe served to activate and prepare us these alignments.

We are now fully in Pisces season, which is the last sign of the zodiac and signifies the completion of the astrological or solar year. We are, not only wrapping up all the work we did last year, but entering into a new energetic chapter. Looking back on last year, I felt as though 2022 was more of an internal year, but the energy of 2023 appears to be very different. Because we have not yet arrived at the spring equinox, we will not be fully in the energy of 2023 until March 20th. The energies of January through March are overlapping this period as we transition from the internal to external, which may be one of the reasons the energy seems very heavy at the moment. I personally have been exhausted since the new moon in February. Because Pisces rules spirituality, the Pisces new moon in February was a check in to see if we did our spiritual work last year before moving into this new year, as well as preparing us for when Saturn entered Pisces. This new moon and the days leading up to March were influenced by several other important alignments. Saturn was at the final degrees of Aquarius, wrapping up it’s time there since March of 2020. (I do not think I have to remind you of what happened in the 3D matrix when Saturn went into Aquarius in March of 2020.) For us lightworkers, I believe that this powerful alignment in 2020 began waking us up to our roles within the 5 D Ascension process and the beginning of the deep purification work we still needed to do to get into alignment with this shift.

Pisces has traveled throughout many of the outer planets since early 2000s, which can be seen as a clearing out of the Age of Pisces. In April of last year, we had a once in a lifetime conjunction of Neptune and Jupiter in Pisces, signaling another huge push to close out this age and now Saturn just entered Pisces right after the full moon. Saturn is the task master; making sure we have been doing our work, especially our karmic work. Saturn will stay in Pisces for the next three years and will be shining its light on whatever Pisces rules. Because Pisces also rules illusions, hopefully, this transit will illuminate more of the shadow that was created during the Age of Pisces such as corruption, victimization, greed and lies, and will assist in further removing the glasses of our collective cognitive dissonance. Saturn, unfortunately, has a bad reputation. However, it is not just the reality check but assists us into manifesting our dreams into reality. I believe this Saturn in Pisces alignment is so significant for us lightworkers. We have been preparing for this shift our whole lives and this is when we might finally see the fruit of our labor. With all the deep internal work we did last year, we might also finally fully understand our tangible roles within this ascension process. Furthermore, Saturn in Pisces just might be the spiritual activation for this new Pluto cycle which will occur at the end of the month. Pluto is still at the final degrees of Capricorn, which means that we are still working on releasing the last bits of the Capricorn shadow; such as our fear of authoritative figures, patterns of workaholism, materialism and valuing ourselves based on our financial worth. However, before Pluto finally leaves Capricorn on March 23rd into Aquarius, there is another important alignment to discuss.

Jupiter will conjunct Chiron in Aries on March 12th. Chiron is a very important placement in our chart and this alignment will be quite impactful, especially for those of us who have our Chiron in Aries, which is most of us because Chiron spends most of its time in Aries. Chiron is the key of our natal child because it is how we reconcile our human nature. Chiron is also known as the wounded healer. As humans, we have two Chiron wounds that we must rectify. The wound of rejection and the wound of living an unfulfilled life. Chiron is located between the traditional planets, which are the planets up to Saturn, and signify our human nature and the outer planets, which signify our divine nature. We are all here to fulfill our human potential, which is not necessarily an easy task and many do not succeed. This alignment with Jupiter will help us integrate our dual nature so we can find our true meaning and purpose. Jupiter will not only illuminate our wounds but provide us with a healing solution. Because most of us have our Chiron in Aries, this further supports that us lightworkers will likely really hone into our true purpose here on the planet this month. And for those who are working uninspiring jobs, feeling unfulfilled and just going through the motions in life, hopefully this alignment will illuminate and remedy this to help shift the matrix. After this alignment, we will be celebrating the new year on the Spring equinox on the 20th where we will fully be stepping into the energy of 2023, year #7, the spiritual year. The next day we have the Aries new moon at zero degree of Aries, again this degree point is very significant, which I believe is further preparing us for the most anticipated alignment of possibly the century. Pluto will be entering Aquarius on the 23rd.

Pluto, the planet of transformation, entered Capricorn in 2008. Although the first huge event that started off this transit was the housing crisis, much more has transpired within this Capricorn transit over the last 16 years. The positive aspects of Capricorn are hard work and responsibility, whereas the shadow side is workaholism, materialism and obtaining wealth, power and status at any cost. Although it seems as though the world has become more materialistic, greedy and corrupt, this transit has also served to expose the shadow with the hopes of transforming the Capricorn archetype as we move into the Age of Aquarius. As we exit out of this Pluto transit, although we would love to see the end of corrupt politicians, CEOs, etc. which may likely happen, the more important agenda during this transit was for us to embody our own sovereignty and embody the positive aspects of the Capricorn archetype. During this Pluto transit, our personal work was to start taking personal responsibility for the part of the world that we are creating and to let go of our victim consciousness.

On March 23rd, Pluto will step into Aquarius, but will retrograde back and forth for a while into Capricorn until the end of 2024, where it will stay for the next 20 years. Pluto will be transforming the Aquarian aspects of our lives and structures in hopes pf rebuilding a much better world. Keep in mind Aquarius is all about progress. Something important to note is that the last time Pluto went into Aquarius was in 1777, which was truly a revolutionary time, pun intended. In 20 years, our world will likely look radically different than it does now as we take a giant leap into the Age of Aquarius. Although this transit is quite promising, I feel as though that June of this year might be a bit tumultuous as this is the first retrograde back to Capricorn. I think it is so interesting and probably not a coincidence that this alignment begins in 2023, the spiritual year. For us lightworkers, it is so important for us to keep holding the light and focusing on the world we wish to create. The old system is falling apart and we will likely be experiencing a lot of turmoil in the 3 D matrix. We need to continue to stay grounded. Remember, we signed up for this amazing experience and this is our time to shine! If you are interested in more information regarding the energetic forecast of March, please also check out my latest podcast .

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