February 5, 2024

Avocado Egg-less Rolls. {Recipe}

I watched Kathy’s Vegan Kitchen’s latest YouTube and was thankful to see another way to use a ripe avocado.

And I happened to have one ripe out of three.

And I had Nasoya’s organic vegan egg roll wrappers in the fridge. I decided to change the other ingredients to purple and green cabbage and carrots.

How to cook them? I wanted to convection oven bake or air fry them, but my Cuisinart of less than three months tripped the circuit breaker five times, so I gifted it to the leasing office. That left sauté in the skillet or “deep fry” in my wok. I chose the latter and glad I did—the crispy outer contrasted well with the soft avocado and slightly crunchy cabbage and carrot.

I laid out all my stuff on clean countertops with clean mitts and got to work. Hamlet was snoozing under my covers and not interested in my meal selection or preparation.


Chef’s knife, cooking and dining utensils, love. Potholder, towel, spoon rest. Cooking choice of convection oven, oven, wok, skillet, or air fryer. Plates, napkins, good food mood. Clean hands, open heart, open mind.


>> Wrappers: I used Nasoya organic vegan egg roll wrappers

>> Veggies: avocados, cabbages, carrots, or your choice

>> Oil: EVVO, your choice, or none if air frying

>> Sauce: soy, tamari, sweet sour, coconut liquid amino, mustard, or none


With clean hands and countertops, lay out all the above in order of use—mise en place.

Peel the avocado; shred the cabbage and carrots. If using a wok or skillet, add oil and turn on the burner. Take a wrapper and wet the edges and turn it so the pointy sides are north, south, east, and west of the plate. Work fast; the wrapper dries quickly and is too fragile to roll. Place the ingredients in the middle and fold the south border up, the west and east borders in, and the north one down, and roll gently and place in the wok, or on a baking or air fryer sheet.

Do a little dance; do not leave the kitchen. Say a mantra. Turn them over; take a little twirl on the floor.

Once you have your meal, select a calm spot. I like to sit in front of fresh-cut flowers at my counter, although sometimes I kneel on my multicolored travel zafu at a small white shaker bench my late husband made in the fall of 2006. He was not pleased with some friends who were being rude to another one. I suggested it as a good distraction, and it worked.

Remember to give gratitude and enjoy this treat. Eat with your mind and all five senses. This is a great handheld food, so heighten your touch sense.

As always, no critters were harmed. One more small win for Momma Earth, this tiny blue planet.


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author: Janice Dolk

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Editor: Lisa Erickson