October 9, 2023

Quinoa Chickpeas with a Kick. {Recipe}

I watched Kathy’s Vegan Kitchen’s latest You Tube and knew I would make this recipe.

Cakes. I enjoy finding new and novel ways to prepare chickpeas and often make crab-less cakes and chuna. Or warm or cold potatoes salads and have been known to toss them into pasta dishes.

So, let’s get started since the quinoa needs to get cold. Check your cabinets and fridge and start to mise en place all the needed supplies and ingredients.


Large glass mixing bowl, utensils, jar for leftover chickpeas, and aqua fava. Good mood food attitude, patience to peel the legumes, and gratitude. Strainer and small pot with lid.


>> Quinoa: I used tri-colored

>> Chickpeas

>> Shredded carrots and cabbage

>> Veggies of choice: celery, red and green bell peppers

>> Mayo, mustard, apple cider and balsamic vinegar, lime

>> Salt, black pepper, optional ajwain


Put quinoa and water into a small pot and bring to a boil. It does not take long. Place in freezer.

Wash your hands and say a little mantra. Open the chickpeas and strain the aqua fava and chickpeas into the glass under the strainer. Remove jar and rinse the legumes.

Toss the chickpeas in the large glass bowl and peel if you wish—I skipped this one. Add spices, liquids, and shredded carrots, cabbage, peppers, and heart-healthy celery.

Mix thoroughly. Remove the quinoa from the freezer and add it in and mix to a mantra.

Plate. Find a cozy, distraction-free place to sit. Remember to give gratitude and then enjoy this delight.

One more small win for Momma Earth and all her beings.


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Janice Dolk  |  Contribution: 426,915

author: Janice Dolk

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Editor: Lisa Erickson