March 5, 2024

Sidereal Transit Wisdom for March 2024.

*Did you know you can write on Elephant? Here’s how—big changes: How to Write & Make Money or at least Be of Benefit on Elephant. ~ Waylon


“Whether it’s science or magic, if it’s of fun benefit, enjoy!” ~ ed


March Sidereal Transits and Moon Wisdom.

I always try to speak the sweet truth and avoid overly negative transit posts, but I am not going to sugarcoat the month ahead.

Typically, I don’t see the need to exaggerate the transit wisdom. This month, however, needs you to wake up and face yourself in a whole new light. Complacency will prove to be problematic.

There have been a series of challenging planetary conjunctions over the last several months, causing big sweeping energetic shifts and forceful changes. The focus for March turns to Aquarius and Pisces. Saturn and Rahu will intensify the pressure and confusion.

On March 6th, Mercury goes debilitated in Pisces, conjunct Rahu. This exact collision has not occurred in 18 years. Mind, money, imagination, creativity, and communication are vulnerable to shadow, illusion, darkness, and fear. You will need to be diligent with strengthening the mind this month so you don’t get lost in the darkness.

Debilitated planets can’t express themselves. Their energy turns in on itself. Be careful that you don’t turn so far within that you lose your sense of self.

Use tools to remove illusion and darkness. Ask for help and gather extra support now, so you don’t get lost. This will be a challenging transit for most people. Focus on increasing your inner light. Not through bypassing the grief and fear, but by actively facing it and transforming it.

March and April will not be months to be launching new offerings, rather it is a time to incubate new ideas and creative ventures.

With only two weeks remaining of exalted Mars, the time to be proactive is now. The action steps you’ve been delaying need your attention immediately. Come late March, you will be wishing that you’d paid more attention, had more follow-through, and taken more consistent action. Remember you won’t see this level of support from Mars for another two years.

Sun joins Rahu and debilitated Mercury on the 14th, shedding new light on your mental struggles. As Sun enters this complex dynamic, watch for self-doubt and disempowerment. The shadow of Rahu is strong and can impact the light of the soul.

With mind already vulnerable through debilitation and conjunction with the north shadow node, be firm and clear with your mental turmoil. Doubt the doubt. Remember your true light and purpose. Don’t get lost in the disappointments and illusions.

For many, this month-long transit will be challenging for self-worth and purpose. You may be going through an ego death or an ego identity shift. Transform and release, but don’t lose sight of your inner truth.

Saturn continues to navigate Aquarius and the deep cleanup that comes with Satabisha nakshatra. Think about what you were doing 30 years ago. This healing work is haunting you now, requesting your full focus and effort. This old grief is returning for a reason. Listen carefully.

Rahu and Ketu’s transits through Pisces and Virgo continue to stir endings, loss, and closure as well as deep cleanup and refinement. Do your shadow work and don’t get complacent. Rahu in Pisces can become neglectful and lazy, however, this month promises that you will be forced to face your own darkness.

Now is the time to prepare and be proactive. Gather your support team and organize your resources.

Eclipse season begins in April. Jupiter moves to Taurus on May 1st. Now is the time to prevent more suffering and ignorance before it strengthens.

This is not meant to scare you. Consider this a firm nudge. Your old behaviors are not going to be tolerated in the cycles ahead. It’s time to face yourself with complete honesty.

Considering the transformations afoot, you will need more support in the coming months. Gather what you need now and set yourself up for success in the cycles ahead.


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author: Saraswati J.

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