August 19, 2024

12 Grounding Reminders we can Carry with us Every Day.

{*Did you know you can write on Elephant? Here’s how—big changes: How to Write & Make Money or at least Be of Benefit on Elephant. ~ Waylon}


Every day, we can carry with us an intention to remain open—open to learning, to seeing, to expanding our awareness, open to deepening our connection to ourselves.

We can carry with us an intention to be present, to practice presence, to practice coming back to the moment.

We can hold the intention to connect to our hearts and to do what feels right to us.

We can seek to open our hearts and our minds and expand the way we view ourselves and the world.

We can practice holding space for ourselves and all of our experiences.

We can challenge our thinking and our perspectives. We can be curious and be willing to question our beliefs and what it is we think that we know.

We can practice being, letting ourselves be where we are.

We can look for the beautiful things we have in our lives, the little things we can appreciate, the little wonders that are around us all of the time.

We can challenge ourselves to try new things, to get out of our comfort zones, to take steps toward what it is we want to experience.

We can challenge our knee-jerk reactions and impulses.

We can look for the opportunity in all of our experiences.

We can move with willingness—willingness to see and learn and understand.

We can hold the intention to live our lives intentionally.

Here are 12 grounding reminders we can carry with us every day:

1. Change is inevitable…and constant.

2. Acceptance is powerful.

3. We view the world through our own perspective, and we can shift our perspective.

4. We can be in the “unknown.” It’s okay to not know, to be in the space of not knowing.

5. It feels liberating to let go of what’s not meant for us and to open up to what is.

6. It’s our job to meet our needs and to prioritize the things that are important to us.

7. We have a wise inner voice that is always there to guide us.

8. Rest is important.

9. Growth and transformation can take time; notice each little shift and appreciate how far you’ve come.

10. Even unplanned or unexpected or unwanted change can end up feeling just right.

11. We can learn new things in unexpected, unpredictable ways.

12. We don’t have to know how things will unfold to know that we’re on the right path.

And a few questions we can ask ourselves:

How do I want to feel?

What’s important to me?

What do I really want?

What feels good and right and true to me?

How can I be more intentional?



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author: Lisa Erickson

Image: Vitaly Gorbachev/Pexels