November 5, 2008

Book review: The Journey from the Center to the Page: Yoga Philosophies and Practices as Muse for Authentic Writing (Jeff Davis)

One thing every writer dreads most is writer’s block.  Jeff Davis’ book, The Journey from the Center to the Page not only offers relief from writer’s block, it also offers discussion on how being more in touch with one’s body puts one more in touch with one’s mind, making one’s writing more authentic and interesting.  Not only does the book offer asana sequences to help free up the mind for writing, it also suggests methods for writers who are current practitioners and there’s even a chapter dedicated to teachers of writing.  Nearly every chapter ends with a practice that ranges from pranayama exercises to vinyasa sequences as a means to free up the creativity within, and taking the time to do the practices is worth it.  While the book is aimed more at creative fiction writers, the lessons within apply equally well to writers of any genre.  Writing is generally considered the language of the mind while yoga can be viewed as the language of the body.  The Journey from the Center to the Page encourages writers to change that, to make writing the language of their bodies and yoga the language of their mind, and to bring the languages together on the page into a union of powerful words.  From Monkfish Publishing and available from your local, independent bookseller.  (Tell ’em Elephant Journal sent ya!)

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