September 20, 2012

Be God To Your Universe.

Photo: SHINEZ Photo

This is #34 of 108 Ways to Livin’ the Moment. Let’s take back our lives one beautiful, funny and delicious moment at a time.

#34 of 108:  Be God To Your Universe

Everybody is unique. Compare not yourself with anybody else lest you spoil God’s curriculum.
~ Rabbi Israel ben Eliezer

Love is life. And if you miss love, you miss life.
~ Leo Buscaglia

Resolve to be thyself; and know that he who finds himself, loses his misery.
~ Matthew Arnold

According to the Washington Post, 92 percent of Americans believe in God or a universal spirit and 80 percent believe in miracles.

Chances are, you believe.

But maybe there’s a way to improve our connection to the higher power?

Here’s how I see it…

What if we were all cells in a Giant Body that we refer to as “God” or “The Universe”?

Just as there are stem cells and muscle cells and skin cells, so there are healers and builders and lawyers.

Optimal health means that each cell plays its role.

As it goes sometimes, certain cells misbehave, stop playing their role, and create disease.

Your level of attunement to your inner world is equivalent to The Giant Body’s level of attunement to you.

Listen and heed what’s going on inside of you—quiet time, meditation, eating well—and The Giant Body will heed your wishes and dreams.

Ignore your inner world and be not the least bit surprised to feel one too many unanswered prayers.

Paramahansa Yogananda writes that we are each a God to the 50 trillion cells that live within us.

So…let’s say, “You are a God, start f*cking acting like it!”

Editor: Lynn Hasselberger

Like elephant spirituality and I’m not”spiritual,” I just practice being a good person on facebook.

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