April 21, 2015

Questions to Ask Ourselves when we’re Unhappy at Work.


When’s the last time you weighed yourself? Checked your blood pressure? Your sugar levels? Your pulse? What about your emotional pulse?

What does your emotional well-being say about your physical well-being? Where does your emotional well-being stem from?

Research indicates that 1/3-1/2 of our life satisfaction directly corresponds with our engagement and happiness at work. Can you guess why? You probably can. And, you’re probably right. Unfortunately, for many, we spend 1/3-1/2 of our lives at work. Thus, if we are not engaged or happy at work, guess what? We’re not engaged or happy in life; we live unsatisfied.

We kick the dog, we ignore our intimate partner, we yell at the kids. What happens if we were to reverse the formula and require that what we did for a paycheck corresponded with our innate passions?

Each day I begin with yoga, pilates or sitting meditation. I also recite a goddess affirmation and read and reflect on a daily meditation. Throughout the day, I typically have a quote that I have written in dry erase marker on mirrors throughout my home. These serve as reminders of my morning ritual and maintain focus on my intention. I close my day by reflecting with my children what we did good today, what we saw someone else do good today, what we would do different and what we are grateful for.

While my ritual is just one example, consider how something similar might improve your health and wellness. Beyond the physical benefits, what would a daily ritual to consider your intentions lend to your emotional well-being?

I’m the founder of and lead facilitator for an organization whose mission is to compel individuals and organizations to live happy, healthy and whole lives. After I realized the impact of 1/3-1/2 of my life, I made some pretty drastic changes to ensure the happiness of myself and my family. Attainment is merely a symbol of status. Status is merely a symbol of perceived life satisfaction.

Why do we work anyway?

Consider this: we work merely to support the lifestyle we choose to live. You want a quarter-million dollar home, two cars, two kids, a dog and a white picket fence? You’ll be spending 1/3-1/2 of your life attaining just that. And, consider that it, literally, is just that.

Attainment doesn’t equal a clean or organized or happy home. Attainment doesn’t mean your cars are free from the same risk of accidents or failure as other cars on the road. Attainment doesn’t mean your kids are not prone to dysfunction junction. Attainment does not mean that your dog snuggles when you’re sad and is your constant companion and best friend. And attainment doesn’t mean your white picket fence lends any more security than the neighbor’s unfenced yard.

Attainment is merely a symbol of status. Status is merely a symbol of perceived life satisfaction.

So, how can we move from a framework of attainment to a perspective of awareness and desire to contribute and spend 1/3-1/2 of our lives enjoying the work we do every day to support the lifestyle we choose to live?

What if we quit our jobs? Would there be ramifications? Absolutely! Would they be permanent? Probably not. Chances are they would be temporary. And, chances are they would increase our overall life satisfaction.

What if we established boundaries? Again, would there be ramifications? Absolutely! Would they be permanent? Probably not. Again, chances are, they would be temporary. And, chances are they would increase our overall life satisfaction.

What if we ditched cable tomorrow? What if we downgraded our means of transportation? What if we actually took time for a lunch every day and ate a home cooked dinner with family or friends every night? What if we cleared the clutter from our lives, physically and figuratively? I’m no rocket scientist, but I can tell you that we do know these simple lifestyle changes change our lifestyle. Let’s say that again,

Simple lifestyle changes


Our lifestyle

We should all take time to consider the correlation between our health and wellness and life satisfaction and our day-to-day commitments and activities.

Here’s a challenge: this week, set some time aside to consider your daily rituals. What fills up your 168 hours per week? We all have the same amount of time. How do you spend yours? Is it fulfilling? Does it satisfy you?

Here is something to consider: morning brings the opportunity to determine the energy of our day. Each day we choose a life or death, positive or negative. Life is learning. Every day offers new experiences—some welcome, some not.

We choose how we translate, interpret and integrate these experiences into our day.

Simple lifestyle changes


Our lifestyle

Godspeed on the journey! Don’t kick the dog!


Author: Kristi Trader

Editor: Caroline Beaton

Photo: Courtesy of the author

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