June 12, 2015

Ask Me How I Feel. {Poem}

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If you want to get to know me,
Ask me.

Ask me why is it that I look at the sky all the time;
Ask me why is it that when I look at the sky in the night,
My face shines,

Ask me what I think about love—
If I ever have loved someone so deeply
That I lost myself on the way,

Ask me about my passions,
What keeps me going…
Ask me if I love what I do.

Ask me about art, about Tirana;
Ask me how I live;
Ask me why I live where I live.
Ask me why cats fascinate me;
Ask me if I believe in anything;
Ask me if I change my mind often,
Or if I’m just another stubborn, insecure person who wants to always be right,

Ask me If I want to grow;
Ask me whether I feel good,
If I like rainy days, or music or maybe ballet.
Ask me If I lost someone I loved or if I feel alone.
Ask me if I get inspired often and how I express myself.

Ask me who I like;
Ask me if I like you;
Ask me if I would date you;
Ask me if I sleep with guys on the first date;
Ask me if I believe in marriage,
If I would like to marry you;
Ask me if I like kids or if I would carry yours.

Ask me if I am afraid to die;
Ask me if I believe in heaven and hell.
Or god, or the universe.
Ask me if I am afraid of change!

Ask me if I am a cynic,

Or an idealist.

Ask me if I want to be asked;
Ask me if I would be honest if you asked;
Ask me if your questions bother me.

Or just try—
Try living with me!


Relephant Read:

What I Want you to Know about Me.


Author: Sidita Zaja

Apprentice Editor: Toby Israel/ Editor: Alli Sarazen

Photo: Endrit Shima -Courtesy of Author

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