January 7, 2009

20 Hottest Yoga Videos on Youtube. That don’t suck. [Krishnamacharya, Yoga for Children, BKS Iyengar, Enlighten Up! w/Nick Rosen, Bilingual Spanish-English, Richard Freeman, Bridget Woods Kramer, Tara Stiles, Elena Brower, Patricia Walden, Seane Corn]

Just fixed this classic blog up! All the videos were gone. Took forever, but cool to see which videos stand the test of time (90 years, 10 years), and which really didn’t. I’ve added a few new ones, and removed several teachers who are problematic.

Youtube is full of Hooters-esque models (barely) in bikinis doing yoga. But unless you’re a 12-year-old boy, it’s best to scratch the surface…and when you do you’ll find thousands of years of knowledge at the tip of your clickety click mousepad.

Did I forget any wonderful yoga videos? If so, comment with the youtube link and I’ll put ’em in if they’re better than something in here.

Here’s 108 yoga interviews and conversations about topics ranging from philosophy to practice to activism to diversity and justice. 

1. First things first: Children Yoga! Please suggest other quality videos in comments.

2. Anusara with Bridget Woods Kramer…mmmm…nice voice…

3. The master, Richard Freeman himself, in this oldy goody classic:

4. Another old Freeman, stand back ladies:

5. More OG Freeman (etc.), too OG not to include:

6. Patricia Walden, in a onesie, looking verrry early 90s.

7. Call me biased, but Elena Brower of Vira Yoga with our video man Alex’s cut…is pure perfection.

8. Our interview with Seane Corn, the one the only the amazing the charming the real:

9. More Seane:

10. a million viewers can’t be wrong:

11: new elephriend Tara Stiles has a practical, bite-size series of yoga for everything…yoga for beginners, yoga for the office, yoga for sex, yoga for stress, yoga for waking up…subscribe!

12. Rodney Yee, of course:

13. Cyndi Lee, my first favorite lady, Ms. Om Yoga herself:

14. Interested in Bilingual Yoga? Yoga beyond our particular community, yoga for language learning? This is via Michelle Smith Yoga Bilingue:

15. Finally, lovely-inside-and-out yoga diva Shiva Rea:

16. We’ve covered this before, but here’s Krishnamacharya, granddaddy of modern yoga, in 1938:

17. Yoga isn’t just about yoga, it’s about mindful living: here’s Dharma Mittra.

18. A youthful BKS Iyengar:

19. We’ve covered this before, love it: Enlighten Up! with elephriend Nick Rosen.


20. For dessert, Mr. Inappropriate Yoga Guy, leading the pack with 2 mill views:

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