February 20, 2013

What I Forgot. {A Love Poem} ~ Melissa Mirabai Zeligman

I forgot the other part of being a woman

I forgot that we were meant to be partners.

I forgot how important that is to the world.

That our union creates a chemistry that heals.

That the love between us provides us each

the elixir to the fuel our unique passions and dreams.


I forgot I could be strong for you, tender for you,

that I could adore you and love you

I forgot that all you wanted was to be my hero

And have me feel safe and adored and loved.

I forgot I forgot I forgot.


I forgot how I would melt from your touch.

I forgot to tell you how amazing you are.

I forgot about the kiss.

I forgot about your breath on the back of my neck.

I forgot what it felt like to miss you, to long for you.

I forgot how sweet the moment was when

the longing ceased.

Melissa Mirabai Zeligman is the girl behind girl&muse  where she makes art, poetry and chocolate. A woman, artist, student, teacher, lover, yogi, poet, playful one, sensitive, pleaser, smart, sensuous, creative, sassy, careful, funny, attentive, intuitive, grateful, and can say anything in the dark. She is obsessed with baby elephants and tattoos yet she has neither. In addition to her day job as a Marketing/PR Manager at a DC Catering Company and Raw Food Restaurant, she is the passionate writer, producer and champion of a documentary currently being filmed, the Decades Film Project. Never able to throw herself into just ‘one’ thing her personal mantra is both/and.



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Assistant Ed: Lori Lothian / Ed: Lynn Hasselberger

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