November 6, 2014

I Threw Away my Toothpaste Forever & Now Do This Instead.

toothbrush and toothpaste

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Question: Don’t lemons deteriorate tooth enamel if eaten (or brushed with) too much ?

Lemon does have acid and we should be aware of its damages.

However, it’s how you use the lemon. When I rub the lemon I don’t squeeze it on my teeth therefore it doesn’t lose its juice on them; the rubbing must be quite gentle and the piece of lemon must remain intact. The juice is what mainly contains the acidity so you can either rub it gently on your teeth or fully squeeze its juice before brushing with it. Moreover, once placed in the fridge, the lemon will start to dry which is a plus as well.

But if you’re skeptical about it, you can go for peppermint or oregano as a toothpaste or gargle with their liquid. Cheers, everyone! ~ Ed.

Only when we have enough do we step in and look for change.

It has been years that I was full to the brim of unhealthy toothpastes. It was pretty hard to find one without any fluoride included or any other hazardous chemical.

Last year I got organic toothpastes from India and Nepal which are fluoride free–and somehow organic—yet the taste was kind of nasty. Although I used them for almost a year, still I felt like toothpastes were causing me more harm than good.

Furthermore, for someone with gum problems like me, my toothbrush was no longer my ally.

Since a kid, I had suffered from gum receding problems. There are many factors that might cause the gums to recede; in my case, it was genes. As a result, I had to visit my dentist every six months for intense cleaning or else I would lose my gums—and my teeth.

So toothbrushes weren’t much help. Although I used the softest one, the tip of the toothbrush still caused my gums to bleed.

Not only I had to visit my dentist twice a year for deep cleaning and brush with the softest toothbrushes (in a specific technique) but I also had to gargle with a liquid three times a day for the rest of life.

Basically, I had had enough.

I did quite a bit of research on this subject and read on many websites that baking soda can replace toothpastes—but still I had the toothbrush to get rid of. Some advised me to use the banana peel—which I tried—but the taste and the leftovers in my mouth weren’t so appealing.

I finally got my answer in a book which I found at my place. It’s a really old book which tackles all kind of herbs along with their benefits and treatments. The book suggested to get rid of toothpastes and toothbrushes and use lemon as an equivalent.

It states that not only toothbrushes are harmful for sensitive gums but they are as well filled with bacteria caught from the toilet. At first it seemed startling to think of myself holding a lemon and brushing my teeth with it but then I had nothing to lose.

During the first week there were obvious results which surprised me. My teeth were whiter and my gums had never been healthier. They were pink, firm and clearly not receded—it took its normal shape.

After this successful experiment with the lemon, I threw away my toothbrush and toothpaste. It has been two months now that my mouth is chemical free and pretty much healthy!

If you are up to experimenting with brushing with a lemon, you will find those tips helpful:

  • Get a lemon, wash it and then slice one small piece.
  • Take the sliced piece to brush with it and put the rest of the lemon in the fridge (cover it with cling film or aluminum foil)
  • Rub the inside of the lemon on your teeth and gum for around two minutes.
  • Wash your mouth with water once done (this is important in order to avoid tooth enamel erosion from the acid in the lemon).
  • If there are any food leftovers between your teeth, use a toothpick!

Sometimes doing stuff differently might seem like a scary idea. We fear going organic because we haven’t been raised this way therefore we fear the outcome. Not only are we scared of the results but also of people’s reaction around us.

I have to admit that when people hear me saying that I use lemon to clean my teeth, they crack up. But then I look at those two or three friends of mine who are now experiencing it for themselves and I feel joyful.

If in two months I could indirectly affect three individuals; in a year I can affect way more.

Besides looking at my friends who are currently using lemon to clean their teeth, I simply look at the mirror and see the exquisite results!

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author: Elyane Youssef

Editor: Renée Picard

Image: Håkan Dahlström/Flickr

Image: Mark Samsom/Flickr